You cannot have a great pool without a great pump. Commercial pool pumps do more than just move the water around, they effectively send water through your filtering system to keep it free from bugs and other debris. They also help to sanitize your pool, keeping it clear and sparkling, by mixing the chemicals as the water circulates. You need a pool pump that is properly fitted to the pool in question to ensure effective functioning. Do you know what you need to choose the proper pump for a given pool? No, it is not necessarily horsepower. The best and most efficient pump is one that has been correctly sized for your pool and will reduce energy waste and wear and tear on your other equipment. At Miami Pump and Supply, we can walk you through choosing the correct pump for any pool in the Caribbean or South Florida.
The first thing you need to determine in order to choose the right pump for your pool is the volume of water, or average depth of the pool. Then, you need to calculate the flow rate, head, and turnover that are required to circulate the water in the time frame desired. The flow rate is pretty self-explanatory. It is the volume of water that travels through the pump in a given amount of time. It is measured in gallons per minute. “Head” refers to the amount of resistance that the pool water encounters as it moves through the circulation and filtration systems. Each piece of equipment (heaters, cleaners, filters, pipes) that is connected to the circulation and filtration systems will create resistance and must be considered. If all of that has in you literally, “in over your head”, then our experts here at Miami Pump and Supply and assist you in determining flow rate, turnover and head so that you can get back to the pool. Whether you are in South Florida or the Caribbean, we are here to help!